Many of the Mecha models from Straight Title Robot Anime (STRA) are hard to get accurate translations of their names, many showing several alternate translations when putting the names in translation softwares. It’d be great if someone who knew Japanese well could help get accurate translations of the model names, as well as share the origins of the model names! Many of the character names are references to things like real weapons or Japanese war ships, to name a few, and I want to be able to include the origin of their names in the trivia section as it’d be good info to know, and help people better understand the characters.
I’m working on making pages for all of the models, but I’m worried about making the pages have incorrectly translated names. If any names are incorrect please feel free to move the page to correct the name, and add name origins to their trivia section if possible
Thanks if anyone can help me with this and get better accurate translations!