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When i try to add a wav file nothing happens but i don't get an error message either please help i do not know what to do
Can we remove the Nicosound links? Nicosound is now a virus site, giving you dl for a privacy thing nobody needs.
A list of stolen assets: https://prettyuglylittleliar.net/topic/10107-list-of-stolen-and-uncredited-assets/
a vast majority of this wiki have been vandilize due to lack of security in order to add/edit articles.
those who wish to add and edit articles must sign in and follow the rules when it comes to adding/Editing articles. once you broke the rules of this wikia. there will be a Warning once you break the rules.
break it twice then you will be forbid to do anything to this wiki. good behavior and knowledge is required before you do anything here. one thing you need to know is make sure the sources are not from a third party and not spoiling anything that will accidentaly break the creators rules.so be careful when it comes to there trust.
if you can't follow a simple rules then i can't have immature people to be welcomed here.
i'm also looking for good users who has knowledge and expirence when it comes to editting. message me or Bunai82 to be part admins here.
I encourage those who wants to Grow this wikia but please follow the rules so we might not well do some accidents that can bring us MMDers a bad reputation.
lately i been seing the activity that a bunch of anonymous users are creating junk articles, just to messed up things. it would be best if this wikia can only let logged in users create and edit articles, so we can see the culprit and stop them easily.
a bunch of pages that are Junk Files are in need of deletion. when the admin see's this problem, we need this restrictions before they ruined everything.
i really need contributers who have knowlage on contributing pages for models.
there are stack of images of models that haven't created a page for them. so i need help filling the gaps, those holes than getting wasted. for those who have uploaded the renders should finish the page.
not me because i'm not an AI that can do magic who magically create a page for that model in an instant. need a little hand please.
Like, does it mean "taking parts in general", or does it mean "taking parts and putting those parts up for download by themselves"?
Okay, So I click 'select all' and 'move', and I try to move my model to the right (I'm trying to load two models. The problem is, my model (Miku) just twitches and won't move. Any help?
The readme is in Japanese so it just looks like gibberish on my PC and I can't figure the password out help me plz ;-;
Hey MMD lovers! Click on over to the Vocaloid CCA and vote for your favorites! We will be collecting votes until July 17th. What are you waiting for, GO VOTE!
Hey MikuMikuDance Wiki,
We are hosting a Community Choice Awards event over at the Vocaloid Wiki. Submit your choices in 11 different categories to let us know your favorites!
Check out the post here!
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This was going to be inevitable, but some modelers specialize in mob characters (generic people which can be compared to NPCs of video games). There might as well be a category for them. Perhaps a subcategory of original models since they aren't based off any existing material.
Clarification please: Unreleased models do not get a page, correct? How about models with Sims-games parts?