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BRS Digitrevx
Black Rock Shooter Model

Character information:
Chara: Black Rock Shooter Version: v1.0
Model: Black Rock Shooter TV version Author: Digitrevx
Technical information:
File: BRS_Digitrevx.zip Location: deviantART
Credits: Digitrevx Password: None
Further information:
Editable: + (Yes) Distributable edit: Cc (Contact creator)
Displayed: YouTube

BRS TV series version Model created in maya 2012 download available at deviantART.
Model includes rock cannon, katana, hood up and down versions, no coat, full coat as well as half coat, flame and machine gun version also included in zip. Editing and redistributing the model requires the consent of Digitrevx. As the creator has deactivated his DeviantArt account the download link is no longer available. It is possible he may reupload the model to his website at some point.


  • Black Rock Shooter released 12/7/2013




Included BRS and BRS machine gun version.


  • BRS TV series version is based on the TV series created after the OVA movie. The model is inspired by Hukes illustrations in addition to the TV series.
BRS Digitrevx

BRS TV series version by: Digitrevx

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