Type Eto Cirno is available on BowlRoll. Commercial use is forbidden.
- Ver.β ~ (2012/Jun/03)
- Ver.1.00 ~ (2012/Jun/15)
- Ver.1.02 ~ (2012/Jun/30)
- えと式チルノ ver1.02 (etosikitiruno.pmd)
The password for download can be found in the middle of the video. Users who do not have Nicovideo accounts may add ".am" after ".jp" in the URL, resulting in Nicovideo.jp.am. This triggers NicoPlayer, allowing non-members to watch videos normally.
- Work in progress images were seen on Eto's Twitter, but only through Gyazo links. Some of them are not safe for work.
- There is an expression slider to change Cirno's face into a yukkuri head.