MikuMikuDance Wiki
R18 Icon Model Restricted to 18 and Up

This model (and/or its previous versions) contains overly detailed, graphic bodies and extremities that may not be suitable for younger MikuMikuDance users. Please be careful when using this model.See template

Exclam icon.svg Distribution Discontinued/Unavailable

This Model is no longer available for download by the author. If Model is available by any other source, it is likely not authorized by the author. See template

Luka (19) Amaikitten
Luka Megurine Model

Character information:
Chara: Luka Megurine Version: 1.00
Model: Circus Monster Luka Author: Amai-Kitten
Technical information:
File: Circus Monster Luka.pmd Location: deviantART
Credits: Etd
Tda and Oh Bun Base
Nakao Hair
Nakao Swimsuit
Password: None
Further information:
Editable: Cc (Contact creator) Distributable edit: x (No)
Displayed: None

Amai-Kitten Circus Monster Luka is available for download via deviantART.

Contains one with tattoos on skin and one with none.


  • Ver.1.00 (2013/Jun/08)


Circus Monster Luka.pmd Circus Monster Luka (Tattoo).pmd

External Links[]
