MikuMikuDance Wiki


This is a very nice starting list, I'm impressed. Though after these are all established what will happen with people who make edits? Is the wikia open for any and every legal model edit, or will there be some sort of limitation? Daniru17 02:02, June 27, 2011 (UTC)

You'd probably have to ask Herman. I'd personally like to see legal edits here because without them there would be a large gap in models available. Example, Animasa and LAT edits done by Japanese and non-Japanese. I did state that not everyone has a 3D program to create original bases, but they certainly know how to work with PMD quite well. Unless you are referring to quality as well?
When Herman asked for the "editd model" template, that is where it gets a bit odd... there are a lot of edits ^_^; -- Bunai82 (talk) 02:17, June 27, 2011 (UTC)
Yep thanks to PMD many people have been given the power to make models, though with great power come great responsibilty which is sadly abused greatly. There is a worry about quality because thery are models that are just plain awful but its hard to judge quality. Popularity is a notable factor but some models arent popular but very high in quality >_<
eeh let Herman figure it out Daniru17 02:22, June 27, 2011 (UTC)

Brian Narita[]

Anyone want to download one to chech the readme? I want to verify edit/distribution status and to see how certain ones like Kaiko are made

http://loda.jp/narita/?id=5 (Kaiko)

--Daniru17 23:05, July 3, 2011 (UTC)
