Ranna Kashimoto (樫本らんな) is Mizugoro's original character, It can be download via NiconiSolid.
This model may be edited and the edit may be distributed as long as the indicated model is indicated as such. Commercial use is forbidden. The usage for videos and pictures containing violence, slander and sexual material is also strictly forbidden.
Model policy[]
- Do not use this model for political and/or religious propaganda operations.
- You may distribute this MMD Model Data, ONLY if you have made edits to him/her, Do NOT distribute her if you have not made any changes.
- If you redistribute this MMD model, you need to include the text specifying the original author's name (Mizugoro) and URL (https://3d.nicovideo.jp/works/td48313).
- In addition, if you used parts only, please also indicate where you used the parts.
- The terms of use of this MMD model can not be changed even if redistributing it.
- It is not possible to remodel this MMD model to a zombie.
- You are NOT permitted to sell this MMD Model data in ANY format, whether digital or in print.
- This MMD Model data may only be used for non-profit purposes.
- Do not use this MMD Model data for commercial purposes.
- Do not use this MMD Model for works which grotesque content.
- Do not pretend to be the modeler of this model.
- This MMD model can not be used for services other than the following services.
- This is the only model by Mizugoro that allows editing and distributing edits.