Tda Rin can be downloaded from Bowlroll. Download cames with several models.
Notice: Do not share the download/unzip password for this MMD Model Data.
- Ver.1.0 ~ (2012/Nov/08)
- Ver.1.01 ~ (2012/Dec/17)
- Ver.1.02 ~ (2013/Mar/02)
- Ver.1.02+ ~ (2013/Apr/09)
- Ver.1.03 ~ (2013/May/21)
- Ver.1.04 ~ (2013/Sep/03)
- Tda式改変リン バレッタ風 Ver1.04 (Tda式改変リン バレッタ風 Ver104.zip)
- Tda式改変リン リリス風 Ver104.pmx Lilith costume
- Tda式改変リン モリガン風 Ver104.pmx Morrigan costume
- Tda式改変リン バレッタ風 Ver104.pmx Bulleta costume
- Tda式改変リン デフォ服 Ver104.pmx (photo)
- This model has extra facials, notably the glare.
- Rin's glare (Null_140) is compatible with the AutoLuminous effect if the slider for it is enabled.
- File extraction is password protected. Password can be found in the readme provided.
External links[]
- Twitter: Jin
- Nicovideo: じーん
- Mylist: Jin's works