MikuMikuDance Wiki
Sanae Kochiya Model

Character information:
Chara: Sanae Kochiya Version: 0.95.1
Model: Kanata式 東風谷早苗 素体 Author: Kanata
Technical information:
File: 配布用素体_髪有り.pmx Location: Niconi Solid
Credits: Unknown Password: None
Further information:
Editable: + (Yes) Distributable edit: + (Yes)
Displayed: None

Kanata-style Kochiya Sanae body is available for download via Niconi Solid.


  • 2014.04.20 - data release
  • Ver.0.95.1 ~ (2015/12/24) - fix leg IK




  • 配布用素体_髪有り.pmx
  • 配布用素体_髪無し.pmx

Model policy[]

From the English readme

  • There is no problem , modify or modified for the purpose of use of the video and illustrations .
  • Please do publish in its corresponding location the produced works.
  • When you distribute a model that was modified or altered, please Read Me or the bundled sure it conforms to the file of the original model. After the distribution, contact the confirmation if a state in which you can see in the way of I do not need, Such as time-limited distribution, please contact us if you are not able to be confirmed in the way of my later enclosed the data.
  • It is okay to distribute the model was modified. Please distribute it describes a description such as can be seen to have been remodeled my model.
  • Please contact me if you want to distribute the data that was modified or altered in applications other than the MMD.
  • Such as the use of in the Unreal Engine and Unity is OK.
  • Works that use the modified data and the data to R18 applications, please do not publish and distribute in places like touch in the eyes of the masses.
  • If there is an update to the Terms of Use, Terms of the latest is always applied.
  • Please do not redistribute the data of the state that are not modified.
  • Please do not combine models such as parts or transplantation model alteration is prohibited.
  • If you want to commercial use, please consult me.
  • Such as [Figmy], please do not use in such services and software.

