Sketchy is a self avatar of the author. The latest version is only given out to those who ask through notes.
- Ver.2.0 ~ (2010/Nov/23)
- Ver.3.0 ~ (2011/Apr/17)
- Ver.5.0 ~ (2011/Dec/28)
- Ver.6.0 ~ (2012/Jul/05)
- SketchyMod_selfmodelv2.pmd (version 2)
- Selfmodel.pmd (version 3)
Older versions of the model can be downloaded from Sketchy's old site.
Version three is password-protected. The password is the answer to the riddle provided on the site.
Version five is a MediaFire redirect. Users must note the author for the password.
External links[]
- DeviantART: Sketchy's Main
- DeviantART: Sketchy-P
- Sketchy's site
- Sketchy's Tumblr
- Youtube: SketchableMod