MikuMikuDance Wiki
MikuMikuDance Wiki
Sweet ANN Model

Character information:
Chara: Sweet ANN Version: 1.0
Model: Edited Sweet ANN Author: Jomomonogm
Technical information:
  • Bikini Ann (1).pmd
  • Bikini Ann (2).pmd
Location: YouTube ul
Credits: Etd
  • Sweet ANN (Emmychansuper)
Password: None
Further information:
Editable: + (Yes) Distributable edit: + (Yes)

Jomomonogm Bikini Sweet ANN is available for download via Mediafire
Edits and redistribution is assumed to be allowed as the model is based on Shuki's Sweet ANN which uses Animasa and Kio stock models as a base. The re-edit, however, belongs to Emmychansuper.

The file contains 11 separate outfits.


  • Ver.1.0 ~ (2011/May/03)
  • Normal Sweet ANN
    • 1 (white with red accents)
    • 2 (red with black accents)
    • 3 (blue with white gloves and boots)
  • Bikini
    • 1 (blue/white)
    • 2 (yellow/pink)
  • Elegant (blue gown and silver boots)
  • Casual
  • Space Channel 5
    • Ulala cosplay (retro/silver)
    • Evila cosplay
  • Voyakiloid Bitter Annie


  • This is possibly one of the largest package releases for one character, particularly an English Vocaloid.
  • Space Channel 5 is a music video game released on the Dreamcast back in 1999.
  • Bitter Annie is a Voyakiloid, as such it mostly pertains to badly-done Sweet ANN songs; the character was created by kimicatdemon.
  • This model has hair physics that move correctly, unlike previous re edits of this particular model, as to where the hair physics either do not exist, or they move very funny.
  • The link on his YouTube video also includes .vpd (pose) files that were labled on the actual video.
  • All 11 models include the same picture files for her skin, her hair, and her eyes.


Bikini 2

External links[]
