Well maybe. I was downloading some of MMDRoseevo's models and I saw she made a new picture with her models
and I saw that she used her clockwork doll accessory/model in this picture with Mikulia Greenio and I was excited to see that she was making a upcoming model based on her! The other one by Agatsaumasoubi was really glitchy with the face and skirt and the dress textures weren't to good but it was nice, and then I found another Mikulia model 1 minute ago but it was a rar file (http://paperflowerdianev.deviantart.com/art/Mikulia-Greeonio-DL-542587426] (yes I know what a DRAG!)
, But it was pretty and I know Roseevo is working on Mikulia because of her current user icon.
Its of Mikulia Greenio and I personally am hoping she will be finished working on Mikulia soon! Let's send MMDRoseevo are best regards!
Mikulia just got out into a pic.